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Repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP), including the datasets and the current state-of-the-art for the most common NLP tasks.

Domain adaptation

Sentiment analysis

Multi-Domain Sentiment Dataset

The Multi-Domain Sentiment Dataset is a common evaluation dataset for domain adaptation for sentiment analysis. It contains product reviews from from different product categories, which are treated as distinct domains. Reviews contain star ratings (1 to 5 stars) that are generally converted into binary labels. Models are typically evaluated on a target domain that is different from the source domain they were trained on, while only having access to unlabeled examples of the target domain (unsupervised domain adaptation). The evaluation metric is accuracy and scores are averaged across each domain.

Model DVD Books Electronics Kitchen Average Paper / Source
Multi-task tri-training (Ruder and Plank, 2018) 78.14 74.86 81.45 82.14 79.15 Strong Baselines for Neural Semi-supervised Learning under Domain Shift
Asymmetric tri-training (Saito et al., 2017) 76.17 72.97 80.47 83.97 78.39 Asymmetric Tri-training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
VFAE (Louizos et al., 2015) 76.57 73.40 80.53 82.93 78.36 The Variational Fair Autoencoder
DANN (Ganin et al., 2016) 75.40 71.43 77.67 80.53 76.26 Domain-Adversarial Training of Neural Networks

Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP)

The FinNLP Progress is a repository to track the progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP) related to the domain of Finance, including the datasets, papers, and current state-of-the-art results for the most popular tasks. Examples include Financial Event Prediction, Financial Index Forecasting, Financial Risk Analysis, Financial Text Mining, Fraud Detection, etc.

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